
A short guide on “How This Report Can Be Used” is provided next to each report, which provides a brief summary of a report’s potential application. However, this summary is not exhaustive and insights into other potential areas of research or application may become evident due to the scalable nature of the analysis and insights. Reports can differ in size and content, but are generally around 30 pages in length. A preview of the report’s table of contents can be viewed on the checkout page.

Revive’s reports are designed to gather insights that emphasize complexity’s role in providing scalable solutions to critical issues. Our research addresses vital areas of unmet need for change agents and investors seeking intelligence to guide their efforts in areas such as impact investment, humanitarian work, and sustainability.

Revive uses breakthrough scientific research from leading publishers and approved journals, combines it with proprietary insights, and links it with current business knowledge and industry practices. However, each report can differ in its methodology based on the topic.  Each resource is listed under references and cited within the report content where appropriate.